
Rebates & Accrual Reporting

Discover what’s been paid or claimed vs. accrued in real-time. Get full visibility and avoid rebates being overpaid or over claimed. Manage balance sheets effectively.

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accrual reporting dash
rebates reporting laptop

What it does

Flintfox delivers a powerful solution for rebates and accrual reporting, providing real-time insights into financial transactions from within trade agreements.

The tool integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Power BI, offering dynamic views. You can utilize the comprehensive suite of standard reports to monitor the status of payments, claims and accruals.

This increased visibility allows businesses to accurately track financial commitments and obligations, ensuring all transactions are recorded as they happen.

rebates reporting graphs

What it solves

Flintfox reduces the risk of financial discrepancies when handling rebates and accruals. The detailed insights into what payments and claims versus accruals, prevents overpayment or excessive claiming of rebates.

This accurate information can then support strategic order planning, enabling companies to leverage tiered pricing or growth rates effectively. The tool also helps with proactive balance sheet management, by improving financial accuracy and compliance.

rebates reporting power BI

The outcome

Flintfox helps businesses to efficiently manage their finances. The enhanced visibility into rebate and accrual transactions ensures financial statements are accurate and reflect current operations.

Our application helps to avoid costly financial errors and supports strategic financial planning and reporting. Businesses can maintain tighter control over their financial processes, leading to improved financial health.

Seamless integration with your ERP

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